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Types of TV resolutions

Types of TV resolutions

Types of TV resolutions

Today, it is no secret that the world of televisions is moving towards better quality and more practical features. From the past to the present, the quality in different brands has undergone many changes and has made choosing the right TV more challenging than in the past.
Probably, before reading this article, you have spent a lot of time searching and checking the types of quality, and their complexity and variety confused you. In this article, we have tried to answer this question with a simple statement, so stay with Rodhome.


What is a pixel?

Pixel is the smallest unit of digital image. Each pixel is usually like a square block on the screen. Just like a building, whose bricks can be considered as pixels. The number of pixels in the image shows how clear the image is in two-dimensional devices such as TV, monitor, etc. The higher the number of pixels, the higher the quality and resolution of the images. These very small square houses can be difficult to recognize; to recognize them you have to get very close to the TV or even look at the screen with a magnifying glass.


What is resolution?

Resolution refers to the number of pixels displayed in two horizontal and vertical dimensions. The higher these numbers are, the more pixels are placed on the screen and, as a result, the image is displayed with a higher quality.
For example, in FULL HD TVs, the resolution is 1920 x 1080 pixels. This means that 1080 is the maximum number of pixels vertically and 1920 is the maximum number of pixels horizontally.
Also, according to the definition of resolution, high-quality TVs are worth buying when their dimensions are larger than 50 inches. In addition, the broadcast video or image must be recorded in high quality to be displayed well on TV.
For example, a 4k TV shows its true quality when the image is recorded and filmed with the same quality system.



SD stands for Standard Definition or standard quality. If you remember, in the past most DVD movies were made in this format. The resolution of this image is 480 pixels with a resolution of 480*720 and the number of pixels is 345600.
Game consoles such as Sega and PlayStation 1 ran with such quality.


At the end of the 20th century, the first samples of these screens were released. HD stands for High Definition and means high quality and resolution. The quality of these TVs is about 4 times that of SD TVs. The images on this TV have high clarity and accuracy and show more colors. The resolution of these images is 720 x 1280 pixels.



In TVs that are equipped with Full HD, details are displayed in a very favorable way. This quality has a resolution of 1920 pixels horizontally and 1080 pixels vertically.
With the spread of 4K TVs, Full HD TVs are slowly disappearing. But this does not mean that their quality is low because many movies, games and images are still available in Full HD quality. Therefore, it is still worthwhile to buy a Full HD TV.

FULL HD TV brands

Despite the appearance of fork models, Full HD TVs still have their fans because this model of TVs has a good screen quality along with a reasonable price. Among the most famous brands producing Full HD TV in Iran, we can mention Bast TV, Iowa TV, etc.


UHD or 4K TV

The term 4K was coined by Digital Cinema Company. Companies consisting of film studios that set the standard for content production. The used resolution is 4096 x 2160 pixels, 4 times the previous standard resolution.
The number of image pixels in UHD TV is 3840 x 2160 pixels. This difference in pixels refers to the aspect ratio between digital cinema and home televisions. TV manufacturers usually use the term Ultra HD.
HDR technology is used in most UHD and 4K displays. By means of this feature, the clarity and color depth of the images increases dramatically. In simple words, this technology makes them darker or brighter by increasing the range between the dark and light parts of the image. The result of HDR is the brightness of the displayed images and the display of more details as if we are living in the world of movies.


4K TV brands

Since 4K TVs have gained many fans and many movie companies and producers of movies and series also offer their programs and contents in 4K quality, TV production companies have also welcomed this issue and started producing 4K TVs in the form of And different sizes have been paid. The most famous of these brands are Daewoo TV, J Plus TV and Himalaya TV.


The latest TV image technology

Currently, 8K TVs are the latest generation and the most amazing product of the new age, which, in addition to unparalleled quality, have very high features. The image quality of these TVs, despite the pixel density of 4320 x 7680, is almost twice that of UHD. In other words, the resolution of these televisions is sixteen times that of HD models!
SD and HD qualities have almost left the competition market and have given their place to their new generations, Full HD and 4K. 4k TVs are almost ubiquitous in the market and due to their newer features, they have a higher purchase value compared to Full HD models.
But Full HD TVs still have their fans due to their reasonable price. But 8K, which are the last generation of displays, have not reached mass production yet, and their introduction is more of an advertising aspect. But in the not-so-distant future, despite the fact that most companies have access to this technology, mass production and replacement of these TVs with other models will not be far from sight.
If you are looking to buy a cheap TV, you can choose HD models.

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